Takuan Amaru

Welcome to AfroAsiatic Perspectives: An Overview

Welcome to AfroAsiatic Perspectives: An Overview

AfroAsiatic Perspectives Invitation:


I have started a series called, \”AfroAsiatic Perspectives\” that will be published every couple of weeks. These informative essays will report on a variety of current events, scientific breakthroughs and other interesting topics.

The difference between AfroAsiatic Perspectives and other such periodicals on and off-line is the fact that this editorial will be exclusively written from an \”AfroAsiatic\” or, non-European perspective, for melanin-rich people.

This is not any form of racist or bigoted propaganda created to poke fun or marginalize those of European descent.

But, rather, this is an honest attempt to create more balance and to supplement the news and stories we hear and see in the mainstream media…which 95% (if not more) is from a European world-view.

All are welcome to join in, however, I will only be going out of my way to invite “AfroAsiatic peoples” and anyone else whom I think may find these articles informative or entertaining.

Please invite others to join in the forum as this should not be just my opinion or research, but a forum for all of Us to \”push the envelope\” on all discussions of race and any special incidents or events that are especially relevant to the melanin-rich people on Earth.

Thank you for your time and, again, please let anyone who you think would be interested in this forum know about this recent development.


T. Amaru

\”AfroAsiatic crossin\’ Mind, Space & Time…\”
